Marketing Ideas To Boost Patient Count for 2022

Marketing ideas to boost patient count for 2022 may be just what you need to make it back from the brink. The pandemic may have affected your practice, but now is the time to get back from the brink.
Read our list of tips to help you get more patients this year.
Social Proof
These days because more and more people go online to find doctors. Potential patients looking for digital reviews and testimonials to check whether to trust your brand or not. What you need are positive reviews that praise your practice for its great service.
Here are some ways to attain social proof
1. Social Media reviews
2. Community involvement
3. Question and answer posts
4. Print and radio advertisement
5. Patient Reviews such as video or text
6. Ratings and reviews on Yelp, HealthGrades, and other sites.
Video Storytelling
Videos from patients reviewing your practice are good, but why not add an extra touch. Tell a more engaging story by including the physician and staff involved in their treatment. A story that tells the patient’s story from when they came in to when they left. It’s great to show a patient’s journey to let people know what they can expect from your practice.
Physician look-ins
Your potential patients will want to know about the staff working at your clinic and what they do every day. Create a video that showcases the daily routines and jobs of your staff. A brief summary of your staff’s duties and responsibilities while being personable.
Live Streaming
You can build authority with your audience by hosting a live stream with a doctor or dietician for a Q & A. Answering questions for potential patients can make you more popular and it can also help to redirect them to your site after the show to increase the chances of getting appointments.
Telehealth Services
The COVID-19 pandemic has made drastic changes to the medical landscape that affect your practice. You need telehealth services to give patients a convenient way to consult and promote it to help you get more patients.
When you offer telehealth services, you need to consider the following:
1. Scheduling infrastructure
2. Marketing telehealth services
3. Stable and fast internet connection
4. Apps to use for the video consultation
Make your website marketable
Your website needs to be inviting to your patients. It’s the first impression your patients will have of your practice. A well-designed website will allow visitors to navigate the site and set appointments easily. A great user experience will see either more return business or encourage others to visit your practice.
Tips for marketable sites:
1. Make sure clicking your logo brings visitors back to your homepage.
2. Create an intuitive site map to ensure easy navigation for your visitors.
3. The text and background of your site should have clear contrast for readability.
4. Your practice’s logo should be the first thing visitors see to know what site they visited.
5. Keep your website mobile-friendly because half of the visitors browse with their phones.
These tips are meant to help you get a start in designing a proper website, but you still need the help of a web designer to build a site that is right for your practice.
Loyalty Program
It is hard to generate new patients but keeping old patients is easier. Start a patient loyalty rewards program to increase your chances of keeping old patients. The programs can range from discounts to free services.
Examples of loyalty programs
VIP Program
You can gift your loyal patients with VIP benefits such as discounts, gift cards for pharmacies or gift shops, and free parking.
Free Health Screenings
You can offer free health screenings to encourage patients to get treated if there are any findings.
Local Perks
You can offer discounts or vouchers for free hotel rooms and meals from local establishments. Try contacting and getting into a partnership between your clinic and their establishment so both parties can benefit.
These programs can help keep your old patients coming back to ensure continued patient flow.
Authentic content
You need to create content that enriches your patients’ lives, but they will only read that content if they feel your authenticity. Ask yourself what are the common questions your patients ask and answer those questions in blogs to create quality content. You can also advise your patients what to look out for when searching for a provider.
The rule for quality content is it must be both valuable and memorable.
Authentic content
You need to create content that enriches your patients’ lives, but they will only read that content if they feel your authenticity. Ask yourself what are the common questions your patients ask and answer those questions in blogs to create quality content. You can also advise your patients what to look out for when searching for a provider.
The rule for quality content is it must be both valuable and memorable.
Valuable content means that it helps your readers in their daily lives.
Memorable content means they can understand your content easily while being slightly entertained.
For authenticity, you cannot use stock images. You must use images of your staff or your patients to build trust with others. Be sure to ask permission from both your patients and staff before using their pictures.
In conclusion, marketing requires a significant amount of effort and some funds but can pay back significantly when executed properly. Choose the right marketing techniques to apply and get your clinic the patients it needs for the year.